oracle create public synonym stored procedure

oracle create public synonym stored procedure
CREATE SYNONYM - Oracle Database Online Documentation 11g.Ask Tom "Synonym problems" - Ask Tom - Oracle.
An Oracle synonym basically allows you to create a pointer to an object that exists. We can also create public synonyms using the create public synonym.
Creating Stored Procedures and Functions. Use a text editor ... Unless otherwise noted, the packages are callable through public synonyms of the same name.
oracle create public synonym stored procedure
1 Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Object References - Docs Oracle.CREATE SYNONYM.
You create a public synonym by using the PUBLIC keyword: .. applications, web and application server components and database stored procedures based on.
4 Configuring Privilege and Role Authorization - Docs Oracle.
Creating a Type Synonym - Docs Oracle.
You create a public synonym by using the PUBLIC keyword: .. applications, web and application server components and database stored procedures based on.
1 Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Object References - Docs Oracle.
You create a public synonym by using the PUBLIC keyword: .. applications, web and application server components and database stored procedures based on.

A public synonym cannot refer to an editioned object. .. Example 19-1 creates a procedure named hello in the edition ora$base , and then creates the edition.