playstation 3 slim fan test

How to reduce the overheating the ps3 slim(320gb)? - PlayStation.
May 13, 2013. [For anyone who doesn't know](, you plug in the power cable while holding eject, the fans go.
Mar 31, 2012. PS3 Slim Fan Test!! PS3 120GB(Slim) fan test! Just unplug the console and hold the eject button while plugging it back in and it will do the fan.
Most of the time this is a safety feature (especially with the PS3 Slim) When it shuts down .. My PS3 just beeps and does not do a fan test.
I was googling "PS3 CLEANING TIPS" When I ran across instructions on How. It's the fan test, don't do it unless you want to cough up $150 or $300 for a slim.
PS3 Slim fan test question? - Yahoo! Answers.
playstation 3 slim fan test
PS3 Slim FAN very loud - How can I solve this? - PSX Scene.Hardware Test: PS3 Slim Article • Page 1 • Articles •
How to clean PS3 Slim Fan - PlayStation Forum.
playstation 3 slim fan test
PS3 Slim Fan Test!! - PlayStation 3 120GB - Tumblr.Is the fan test supposed to cause a YLOD Instance? - PlayStation.
Is the fan test thing bad for the PS3? - PlayStation 3 Answers for.
PS3 Slim "Fan test" [Archive] - PS3Hax Network - Playstation 3.
Installing PlayStation 3 Slim Fan - iFixit.
Believe it or not, I've gone through 5 PS3 Slim's now. and each and every one I' ve had has been loud. They seem is silent when on the XMB. But.
As Sony themselves have not publicly stated this Information, it is not official. This will most likely harm your console. Be smart and don't do it.